Model & photographer: Marika Flagon
Dress: K Creations - Mya Dress for The Naughty List
Lashes: Vengeful Threads - Catwa Lashes - Unicorn Fantasy for The Naughty List
Lipstick: alaskametro<3 "Gala" makeup - Lips 01 for On9
Nails: alaskametro<3 "Snow Queen" nail art appliers for Women Only Hunt (hint: "Look up to find the light - and the crystals shining bright")
Hair: *Besom~JADE
Location: The Vordun Museum
Oggi ho fatto un giro al museo e per questa occasione ho scelto il vestito di K Creations creato per The Naughty List Event.
Le unghie sono di alaskametro create per una caccia al tesoro, mentre il rossetto è per la Gacha di On9.
Today I went to the museum and for this occasion I chose the K Creations dress created for The Naughty List Event.
Nails are by alaskametro created for a hunt, while the lipstick is for ON9 Gacha .
Nails are by alaskametro created for a hunt, while the lipstick is for ON9 Gacha .
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